No Credit Card or commitment of any kind required. So give Hit Em Up App a try to send your BCC Text Message. The best part is that the messages come from your own personal phone number, just like if you sent them normally with your SMS or iMessage Messages App! In the Find what: box, type the text or numbers you want to find. By default, it will display with Search Options hidden. Mobile text messaging apps free download with Business marketing programs application information and resources.
Note: In the following example, weve clicked > Search Options to show the entire Find dialog. Bulk SMS Software Downloads by Send Group SMS for Windows and Mac. You are organizing your BCC Text Message messages like a group text, but the replies go to the sender only, and it's entirely private between each recipient and you (they can't see who else you sent your BCC Text Message to). To replace text or numbers, press Ctrl+H, or go to Home > Editing > Find & Select > Replace. Step 5: Tap 'Send to 'X' number of contacts.' This button will send your BCC Text Message messages to each person individually so that they are unique to each person and the reply goes to the sender only.
Preview your bcc text message (group text with reply to sender only) before sending.